Pour flûte, clarinette, violon, violoncelle & sampleur
2005, 4 minutes
Commande : Stockholm New Music Festival, Festival Archipel,
MaerzMusik, Holland Festival, IRCAM and RomaEuropa Festival
Création : 26 février 2006, Stockholm New Music
Alter Ego & Pansonic
D. & F. 15719
This piece was conceived for the collective project « Microwaves » in homage of Fausto Romitelli with Pansonic et Alter Ego. Fausto Romitell had the project of writing a piece combining these two ensembles and after his passing away, the productors of the commission asked his closest composer’s friends to carry on this project on his memory.
Link is the formal link I realized between two elements taken from the music of Pansonic (one interpolation, one chord and a sampled musical texture). This link is also an essay on deconstruction of this last texture to imagine in a backwards manner it’s generative elements on the structural and instrumental level : a polyrhythm consisting of a few voices who progressively transpose themselves up to become this very texture. The piece is also the testimony of the link that united me to Fausto romitelli to whom this piece is dedicated.
Cette pièce a été conçue pour le projet collectif « Microwaves » en hommage à Fausto Romitelli avec Pansonic et Alter Ego. Fausto Romitelli avait pour projet de créer une œuvre combinant ces deux ensembles et, suite à sa disparition, les commanditaires de l’œuvre ont sollicité ses amis compositeurs les plus proches pour mener à bien ce projet en sa mémoire.
Link est le lien musical et formel que j’ai réalisé entre deux éléments pris dans la musique de Pansonic (une interpolation, un accord de synthèse et une texture échantillonnée). Ce lien est aussi un essai de déconstruction de cette même texture finale pour en imaginer les éléments générateurs au niveau instrumental et structurel : un polyrythme de quelques voix qui se transposent progressivement vers l’aigu jusqu’à devenir cette texture. La pièce est aussi le témoignage du lien qui m’unissait à Fausto Romitelli à qui cette petite pièce est dédiée.
Patch Max
mac application for the sampler part. A midi keyboard is needed to interact with the software.
You may need the external « samplor » available here or via the max package manager.
You may also want to allow installation of non signed apps :
(if ever needed…)
Click here to download the sound files
To play « Link », a sampler is needed.
It should host 3 sound files according to the following rules :
This is the main sound file of the piece. It is a long sound wich is triggered on the first beat of measure 2, and it will keep playing until the end of the piece.
The sampler settings for this soundfile are the following :
Range : F0 to F0
Root note : F0
Loop mode : one shot
These are two samples which are played by the sampler part
The sampler settings for these soundfiles are the following :
Range : C-1 to A4
Root note : G#2
Loop mode : one shot (the sample is played in the entirety of its duration even when played staccato).
Range : A#4 to G9
Root note : D6
Loop mode : one shot
In the sampler, a total polyphony of 32 voices minimum is needed